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Manual Downloads




Bridge Module

The Bridge Module user Manual in PDF Format

Financial Modelling - Renewal Gap

There are two manuals here. One relates directly to the single financial modelling file "Model All" and provides a detailed explanation of the file and its operations.

The other covers the broader Financial Modelling - Renewal Gap Program which expands upon the single financial modelling file and enables you to present your modelling results in a far more flexible way. There are currently 2 versions of the manual here. The N2 which was released in late 2009 and the N3 released in April 2012 and updated in Feb 2013

General Assets Module

The General Assets Module handles all assets that are not specifically covered by other asset modules

Roads Module Manual

Roads Asset Management Module Manual

Storm Water Module

Storm Water Asset Management Module Manual

Waste Water Manual

Waste Water Software Manual

Water Supply Module

The Water Supply Manual is currently under review and will be updated and posted shortly