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This area contains several Downloadable PDF Documents which provide background information on our software as well as our condition assessment services for Roads and Bridges. Manuals for all Moloneys Asset Management software are also available for download from this site off the "Manuals" Tab. We would welcome any further enquiries on these or other matters, please contact us to discuss them further.

You can download any of the documents here without the need to log in or provide details

1. The funding Scenario finder

This document provides the details of how to use the funding scenario finder within the Moloney Modelling module. It allows you to set a desired extent of over intervention assets across a whole range of different asset sets to be delivered by a specified time

2. The basis of the Moloney Model

A brief document that covers how the Moloney model works its assumptions and outputs

3. Road Condition Assessment Field Methodology

Details of the Moloney methodology relating to the condition rating ofsealed road assets

4 Road Asset Valuations June 2017

This document explains the basis of the Road asset valuations that are undertaken within the Moloney Roads Module. It explains all of the variables that can apply to the valuation process as well as detailing the two different ways of basing the current value on age or condition.

5 Moloney Excel Program Setup

Provides a very brief background to all of the Moloney asset management modules for the capital management of infrastructure assets

6 Sample Road Condition Report following a network Condition Assessment

A very big part of our business relates to the condition assessment of road networks. Where many systems fall down is in analysing the network performance following such a survey. We are very strong on the benchmarking on both individual performance (change between surveys) and the comparison with all other councils assessed on the same basis. The focus of our report is to benchmark the results both internally and at an industry wide level as well as using the Moloney model to provide a 20-year predicted renewal demand profile.

7 Sample Bridge Condition Report following a network Condition Assessment

We undertake condition assessments of bridge assets and provide a comprehensive report into the bridge network following the surveys. The focus of our report is to provide a bridge replacement-major rehabilitation program as well as a costed list of all recommended works. We also benchmark your performance since the previous survey as well as benchmarking against all councils assessed.

8. Updating the Modelling results year to year and transferring data to an updated Program file

This document provided a simple means of updating the modelling data annually as well as providing the method of transferring data froman existing program into an updated program format.

9. Checking data before running the Modelling program

There are a number of inbuilt checking systems within the Modelling software and this document covers those as well as some helpfull hints on what to look for to identify problem or inaccurate data,

10 Financial Modelling Training Document

This is a copy of the document we use as the basis of our financial modelling training. It should be read in conjunction with the Version N3 financial modelling Manual as well as the Model All Manual. It is designed to assist with out training sessions on the financial model and to provide a quick refresher following the training session.

11. List of Road and Bridge Condition Assessments undertaken by MAMS

This is a list of all 274 Condition assessment projects we have undertaken from 1995 up to March 2022 along with details of the assets we inspected and the contact people involved.