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2023 - 2024 Software Maintenance

Just a quick reminder that this year I am not sending out invoices for the annual maintenance agreement until a council provides me with a purchase order for the agreement. I sent out a letter to all existing Maintenance agreement customers from the 2022 - 2023 late last month explaining this and a few have responded. I will not be following up with a second letter and I will assume that you do not wish to participate in the maintenance agreement if I do not hear from you. On another matter I was recently asked to produce a version of the financial modelling software that did not ease in the required expenditure level over the first 5 years when the raw difference between the year 1 and year 2 renewal demand to elimitate all over intervention assets was greater than 30%. I still think it is better the way it was originally set up, but if you have a need for the amended software please get in touch. Regards Peter Noloney MAMS